Saturday, September 19, 2009


I started this blog as an avenue of expression, to talk about whatever I wanted and to continue practicing my writing skills. What I ended up doing was only posting when I felt I had something poignant to say. But then, following that logic, I haven't had anything important to say since July 2nd.

Truth is, I have found other venues in which to write:, Twitter, Facebook and a few paid writing gigs I recently picked up. But writing is what I do, it's what I love and it is my true passion. So today, I give my self permission to write on my blog a few times each week even if I have nothing all that big to discuss. I'll put together the occasional essay but I give myself the freedom to write simply for the sake of writing. I may try out a poem or post a descriptive paragraph and maybe a limerick or even a haiku if I decide to try one. Maybe I'll just say what I've been up to or speak about what might be on my mind.

It's a new direction for Amblin. Actually, it's the original direction rediscovered.


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