Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Christmas Lights

November is always a busy month with Thanksgiving preparations, holiday shopping, deer season and Christmas lights. This year I got lucky. It was 65 degrees with calm winds the weekend I put up the lights but there have been Novembers past when I worked in weather so cold I could not feel my fingers and times when it sleeted on me and once, after the lights were all in place, that a hailstorm arrived to pummel roofs, cars and Christmas lights with golf ball sized ice.

It's during those bad weather Novembers that I question why I put lights up at all. My kids are grown, one has her own home and my granddaughter, though interested in lights, is probably too young to appreciate them. Oh yes, and Januarys, that's when the lights all come back down again and when I can safely predict cold, blustery days for the task.

When I'm putting them up, I can always count on at least two trips to Wal-Mart to replace a strand of lights that did not make it through the harsh summer of my attic or to add another extension cord because one got used for something else during the off season. I long ago learned that it is far less trying on my patience to replace a $2.38 strand of lights than to repair the non-working culprits. I have even begun preparing during the current year for the next by buying lights at 50-75% off in after Christmas sales although I sometimes find that those, too, meet with a tragic demise in my attic prior to the start of the season.

Last November the weather was pretty cold and I had to escape to the house several times for warmth before finishing lacing up branches and wrapping tree trunks, setting out a lighted moose and three Christmas trees of lights that my dad made many years ago.

And January was cold and blustery, just in time for removing the lights and packing them for storage.

I was concentrating on light removal during that inclement weather when I heard a voice say, "Excuse me, sir?" I turned to find Betty, my neighbor from across the street. "I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your Christmas lights," Betty continued. "I keep my shades drawn most of the time but I looked outside every evening and admired those lights."

What a wonderful compliment. I thanked Betty and she headed back across the street to her home. Betty is over 80 and she has Alzheimer's. She doesn't recall my name anymore but she remembers my Christmas lights. And she found joy in them. This year, I remembered why I put those lights up. This year, they are for Betty and every time I see her shades part, I know she has admired those lights.


Jeanne said...

Christmas lights represent a lot of memories and emotions to us. For me, it brings the glow of holidays past. As a child, I used to sleep with my head at the foot of the bed so that I could stare out of my bedroom door and see the lights on our tree in the living room; there is something about the colors and the glow that will always make me smile. No matter what the year brings, what your situation is, the lights represent the thing (the energy, the glow) that is outside of yourself but that also continues to remain with you... and I'm certain that this is at least part of why your neighbor finds such joy in seeing your display. The lights speak to the part of her that remembers, and remains connected to the memory of joy and celebration in her life. How wonderful is it that you can bring that joy to her every year!

Sheila said...

Your post reminds me of all the Christmas-themed blog entries I made year before last and my original Christmas countdown posts when I was fresh into blogging. Unfortunately, I am in a real Christmas countdown at my job and hardly have a moment to devote to thoughts of blogging or even reading other blogs.

That said, I loved your description of the process and the reward your elderly neighbor gave you in her comments. I miss the ritual I must say and surely share memories of frozen fingers and questions of why the devil I persisted in putting the lights up year after year.

Mickey Lowe said...

This was absolutely Soul-Lifting ! Thanks so much for writing it. It was related so beautifully. And, I needed to read it for many reasons. Amazing synchronicity happening there.

Messages some from some very interesting and surprising corners. They find you though no matter where you hide! Cheers! Here's to an acknowledgment and acceptance of MY particular message this Christmas... Hugs Robert & Merry Christmas!!

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